2021 Heart of the City Festival Schedule

Many of this year's events can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home (or in our viewing room at the Carnegie Theatre), while others can be enjoyed in person (with COVD-19 protocols in place) including our Art in the Streets programming. Many of this year's online events are set up through EventBrite and you are able to reserve a spot ahead of time, which offers some great benefits, including the opportunity to interact with many of the events through Zoom.

In case you are not able to pick up one of our printed program guides (available throughout the Downtown Eastside) you can peruse it online HERE (view full screen for the best experience).


NEED HELP? Contact boxoffice.heartfestival@gmail.com


OPTION ONE: Pre-register through Eventbrite
Advantages of registering:
• receive Zoom links & participate in chats or Q&As
• links to your online calendar
• get event reminders
• guaranteed entry for events that have limited capacity

ON DEMAND programming can be viewed any time over the duration of the Festival. Links will be posted when the Festival begins.

NEED HELP? Contact boxoffice.heartfestival@gmail.com

Click on the tabs below to browse through our day-by-day schedule and register for events, or view our web-based program guide.